Thursday, January 25, 2007

NetBeans 5.5 UML support not ready for prime time

What a disappointment. I should have tested it better before having my concurrency class use it for modeling dynamic behavior with state diagrams. I could not find a way to set the trigger, guard, and effect of a transition. It seems to have only name, precondition, and postcondition, and doesn't format these elements properly. I know it's still in beta but didn't expect it to suck this much. I will probably have to go back to Poseidon instead.

In addition, NetBeans has poor CVS and SVN support compared to Eclipse.

1 comment:

George K. Thiruvathukal said...

Dude, you're not getting a proper development environment.

NetBeans has great potential. After you talked me into checking it out, I did manage to be impressed by the excellent performance. This work, however, has a long ways to go before I'll use it for my day-to-day work.

I also think the value of the perspectives and views in Eclipse has been grossly understated by the Eclipse folks themselves! For example, Eclipse has the notion of a resource perspective, which allows a project that was not checked in by Eclipse originally can still be used meaningfully--as a project--within Eclipse. NetBeans, on the other hand, requires you to convert the project to NetBeans, which means that ad hoc (non-Java) projects are probably not maintainable in this framework.

The CVS and SVN support is awful at the moment. Let's hope that NetBeans will integrate support for JavaSVN in lieu of the evil approach of launching external executables. This is a big part of why the Eclipse experience is superior in this regard.