Sunday, September 20, 2009

Prerequisites for Building OpenWrt SDK on Snow Leopard

These are the prerequisites:
  • Case-sensitive file system!
  • sudo port install gcc45 binutils gpatch bzip2 flex bison gmake gettext pkgconfig unzip libzip wget coreutils gawk findutils getopt gnutar md5sha1sum
  • sudo su -
  • cd /opt/local/bin
  • ln -s gnutar tar # otherwise it won't find it
I just got done building the OpenWrt SDK Kamikaze 8.09.1 with these tools on Mac OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard.


George K. Thiruvathukal said...

I'm adding some details about how to do this with disk images on my blog.

Your port command needs the "install" subcommand before "gcc45".

KMM Web Solution said...

nice post it help me alot i just install openwrt firmware on my bullet2 with aircrack-ng...
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